Hi, I'm Fallon

I'm so excited to get to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet! I'm sure as much as I want to learn more about you, you probably want to get to know the person who wants to take some of the most intimate and empowering images of you!

<-- Unedited Selfie to show who I am!

Get in touch

*Photo Credit: Amanda Wooton Photography


I'm a wife, a mother, a friend, and so much more. The relationships in my life keep me going, and if I consider you a friend I consider you family. I have been blessed over my years to have gained a wonderful circle of people who love me for me, and I love getting to go through life with them. My husband and my daughter are my biggest inspiration and my biggest supporters. I really am one of the lucky ones that I found a real partner in life in my husband. I could not be more proud to be his wife. Our daughter is chaos in a dress and I couldn't imagine it any other way. She keeps us on our toes and her personality is pretty unmatched. We live in Goshen (Eastside of Cincinnati area) with our dog, 2 cats, 2 guinea pigs, ball python, and lizard! We love to explore around Cincinnati, but our favorite family place to visit is the Cincinnati Zoo. It is a very special place for us. Mike & I had our engagement photos taken there and also had our maternity photos there as well!

Unashamed. Unapologetic. Unstoppable


Back in 2014 when I was preparing to get married I decided last minute to do a Boudoir shoot for Mike as a surprise. This was 100% out of my norm and I thought it was a great time to push my limits before the big day. I also was new to photography, so I really had no idea what I was in for at the time. But like most else things, I jumped in head first! After my first experience I was hooked. I loved the feeling that shoot gave me and I wanted to give it to other women. I almost immediately started talking about it to all the women in my life and when my cousin's new fiancé asked if I could do a shoot for her I screamed YES! I shot my very first boudoir shoot with my soon to be cousin in her soon to be mother-in-law's bed! It was hysterical, but it 100% made me realize Boudoir is where my heart was, and it is all I wanted to do! I've worked hard over the years to learn how to provide a world class experience for all women! It is my mission to help you celebrate yourself just as you are and to walk away from our time together walking taller and feeling better than ever about yourself!


When someone asks me where I am from, I say "I'm from Oh-tucky-ana". I say this because we moved around a LOT when I was growing up. I spent a majority of my childhood in SE Indiana, but then my pre-teen and teen years I was in NKY and ventured down to Central KY for college. Then as an adult I met a handsome Buckeye and finally made the move across the river to Ohio where I am today. I claim all three states as my home because who needs a hometown when you have a home tri-state? So I'm a Buckeye Hoosier Kentuckian and you can't tell me I'm not!


I joke all the time that if you look up the slang word basic there would probably be a picture of me. I cannot help it, I love tacos, iced coffee (Dunkin over the 'bucks though), pop culture, and I probably will never give up leggings and messy buns! It is who I am and I can stand tall and say I'm a basic bitch! Although I am extra too, so I guess I am an EXTRA BASIC BITCH! I am still awesome though! Who cares if I probably know way too much about Hollywood gossip and not enough about how to keep plants alive. Oh and I over use emojis way too much. Please don't think less of my professionalism if I slip in a :) in one of our emails. I just CANNOT help myself sometimes!


I'm an 80's baby, 90's kid, and 00's teen it is no surprise that I have been shaped by Harry Potter. So much so that I 100% feel a whole little section of my website needs to refer to my Harry Potter House. (If this surprises you go back to the last paragraph referencing my Basic-ness) I feel I am through and through a Hufflepuff. I am loyal, honest, fair, and dependable. I have a strong belief of equity and tolerance. And once you are in my circle you know you can always depend on me to be loyal and there for you no matter what. But don't forget our house mascot is a badger, and I can be a total honey badger and not give a f*ck too!

Why am I telling you all this?

I want you to feel as comfortable as possible with me. Whether we have been friends for years, are friends of friends, or maybe complete strangers we are going to bond during our time together it is inevitable. So here is a little glimpse into my life so you can see, I'm just like you! I'm a regular woman just trying to be the biggest bad ass that I can be every single day!